To be green or not to be green
Investors' choices between complexity and suitability
Almost a year has passed since the introduction of the amendment to Mifid 2 that provides for the integration of Esg preferences in the assessment of suitability. In this conference, experts and industry representatives take stock of the introduction of sustainability preferences in the assessment of suitability, discussing the industry's commitment and the challenges faced in the implementation of the new rule – in particular with regard to communication with the customer – and investors' reactions to the new option. The keynote speech delivered by Nadia Linciano, head of Consob's Divisione Studi (Research Division), who aims to illustrate the Authority's monitoring findings, is followed by a panel discussion moderated by Manuela Mazzoleni, Assogestioni's Director of Sustainability and Human Capital, in which insiders discuss the challenges and opportunities related to the application of the new rule, and how sustainability dynamics are impacting business models and relationships with clients.
Con l’intervento di: Andrea Mottarelli, Nadia Linciano, Stefano Giuliani, Gian Franco Giannini Guazzigli, Gianluca Serafini, Manuela Mazzoleni