Tax reform: evolution or revolution?
Simplification of the rules, greater fairness in taxation and impulse to growth: these are the guidelines that the tax reform delegation law indicates to redesign the tax system of the future. An ambitious and organic project that aims, within 24 months, to reform the entire tax system, from income tax to indirect taxes. One of the core points of the project is the revision of the tax system of financial revenues, by overcoming the traditional distinction between capital income and other income, adopting the 'cash-based' taxation model, and the possibility of always offsetting losses.The conference offers the opportunity to deepen, thanks to the presence and contribution of prominent speakers, the future tax structure of financial revenues in our country.
Con l’intervento di: Fabio Galli, Maurizio Leo, Ilario Scafati, Patrizia Claps, Arianna Immacolato, Lucio De Gasperis, Pietro Cirenei, Sergio Lovecchio