Come up on stage at the Salone del Risparmio
Milan, 9th to 11th April 2024
Salone del Risparmio
Contenuti promozionali
Il Salone del Risparmio is the largest event in the investment management industry in Italy. The Salone offers to investment professionals, financial advisors and media players a common platform to share experiences and new ideas and establish new partnerships; hundreds of conferences and seminars to leverage their know-how and keep abreast of strategic, market and regulatory trends; a window on investment opportunities, new products and investment techniques that will shape the world in the years ahead.
The 2024 edition will take place in Milan, from 9h to 11 April, at MiCo Sud (access from Gate 2 and Gate 16).
A cura di: Salone del Risparmio
In collaborazione con: Assogestioni
Serie: SdR24
Tema: Risparmio e investimenti in Italia
In collaborazione con: Assogestioni
Serie: SdR24
Tema: Risparmio e investimenti in Italia