Capital markets. From the European framework to the Italian scheme
Is there an Italian project for promoting the access and permanence of enterprises on capital markets? How does it fit into Europe's complex path towards the Capital Markets Union? The conference considers the difficulties encountered by companies in complying with the requirements for access to capital markets, seeking the balance between the need for reform to protect the system and investors and the freedom of enterprise. An Italian perspective that must necessarily hinge on a supranational path promising to pave the way for new possibilities for the economy, as well as for institutional investors. Moving on from the Ministry of Finance's 'Green Paper' and the Listing Act proposed by the European Commission, the main regulatory dossiers on the subject are considered, and asset management operators provide with their views on the opportunities for operators and investors, that could be facilitated by a regulatory evolution closer to companies' needs: in particular, helping them increase their ability to finance themselves by diversifying the sources of capital from which they draw.
Con l’intervento di: Roberto Sommella, Federico Freni, Luca Valerio Camerano