Asset management beyond the crisis
We are in a situation of polycrisis, in which several fronts of complexity are intertwined, from the conflict in Ukraine to climate change, against the backdrop of megatrends that are revolutionising society and imposing new paradigms. In the opening plenary conference of the 13th edition of the Salone del Risparmio, the discussion revolves on how, in a context of polycrisis, asset management can play a central role for the stability of the system and the security of families and support the real economy in a changing world. After the introduction by Assogestioni chairman Carlo Trabattoni and a speech by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, the keynote speech by Nicola Palmarini, director of the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing, addresses the topic of longevity and how boomers will become the most important group in terms of both consumption and savings, and will therefore be the group most able to sustain the economy compared to younger generations. Finally, sociologist Giuseppe De Rita analyses the socio-demographic impact of the crises of recent decades and how the country has managed to recover after the most difficult phases.
Con l’intervento di: Carlo Trabattoni, Giuseppe De Rita, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Luca Palmarini, Massimo Antonio Doris, Andrea Ragaini, Luigi Conte, Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli