Accompanying investors...
[Closing Plenary Conference - 1st session]
The thirteenth edition of the Salone del Risparmio culminates with a closing plenary session, which consists of two events. The first one is an institutional conference hosting the presentation of the 4th Assogestioni-Censis Report, dedicated to 'Hidden Misconceptions,' i.e. the dynamics that influence savers' investment decisions and the biases that can sometimes lead to undesired results. The Report is presented by the Secretary General of Censis, Giorgio De Rita, and commented on together with Alessandro Rota, Director of the Assogestioni Research Department. The conference continues with a roundtable discussion in which institutional representatives dialogue with some representatives of the asset management industry, including Saverio Perissinotto, CEO of Eurizon capital Sgr and Chairman of the Association's Financial Education Committee, on financial education initiatives and the actions that should be taken by the government to promote its aims.
Con l’intervento di: Saverio Perissinotto, Dario Damiani, Mauro Maria Marino, Alessandra Staderini, Giorgio De Rita, Alessandro Rota, Stefano Lucchini, Mia Ceran